Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ok.... I'm feeling a little disconnected. I have finally had the chance to breathe, re-group and start brain storming again. Since about last May around the time my niece Elleana was born time has flown by! She is almost one and I'm wondering where the time has gone. Last winter I sat in front of my computer looking.... researching and praying to become the business woman and artist I had worked so hard to be for 5 years to become. I'm not exactly where I want to be as of yet but I'm getting there. A photographer by the name of Shelby Leigh made a list of goals that she she wanted to accomplish a year or so ago and I have wanted to do the same. I think by posting it it will give me the kick in the butt I need to achieve them! She did 101 in 1001 days.... BUT I'm doing 50 things before I turn 28. I'm 25 now so three years!

These are in no particular order!

1. Go to the East Coast
2. Become a parent
3. Ride a bike 5 miles
4. Buy a truck
5. Get published in a book
6. Build an amazing studio
7. Meet someone famous
8. Go to WPPI in Las Vegas
9. Start wearing contacts again
10. Create my own scrapbook
11. Become closer to god
12. Get a family picture taken with the 5 of my family members our partners and my niece
13. Read Chelsea Handlers other two books
14. Donate hand made products to a children's hospital
15. Meet 3 photographers I blog stalk
16. Get a new blog
17. Work out every day for one month (at least)
18. Host a fun event at a senior center
19. Plant a garden
20. Go skinny dipping
21. Go to a comedy club with my husband *3/20/2010*
22. Put in a new bath tub/shower
23. Ride a horse
24. Go to a Tigers game
25. Sing on stage with a band
26. Go to a zoo
27. Make cookies for my husband and the guys at his work
28. Hug my dad
29. Have a picnic
30. Don't eat fast food for 2 weeks straight
31. Have a paint fight like on "10 things I hate about you"
32. Serve my husband breakfast in bed
33. Buy a 1.2 lens
34. Plant trees
35. Go skiing again (haven't in ten years!)
36. Write a full song
37. Taste wine at a vineyard
38. Run in the rain
39. Send some nice things to soldiers over seas
40. Drive a jet ski
41. Attend a photo workshop
42. Make my own wedding album
43. Photograph 5 majorly sick kids and give them pictures
44. Put in a sliding glass door
45. Get a tattoo (I hope my brother doesn't read this!)
46. Watch the sunrise and set in the same day
47. Help plan a class reunion
48. Go on a road trip
49. Grow my hair long again
50. Volunteer at a pet shelter



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